Welcome to Some Bits Of F1



Hello everyone who is reading this first ever post of Some Bits Of Formula 1.

We are two Spaniards, myself and my friend David, who love Formula 1, and we want to share with all of you our passion, by letting you know about all the important information, breaking news, and our very own newsletter.

You can find us on pretty much every famous social media app, below there's a list with the official SBOF1 account:

Social NetworkLink
YouTubeSome Bits Of F1
X / TwitterSome Bits Of F1

Our dynamic

We will work hard during the weekend bringing you the latest news in real time during the F1 sessions, this will be mostly done through our social networks mentioned above.

However, every Monday at 7:00 A.M. (UTC) we will publish in the blog of this web a summary of the most important events of the weekend, and our opinion about some or all of them. This will also be posted via TikTok videos or Instagram posts, for example, but a shorter and more concise version.

The posts will be written by either myself, or the SBOF1 co-owner and friend David. All the accounts will be also managed by us.

General remarks

We need you to understand that, as we are still both of us students, there will be occasions where posts, videos or news will have to be delayed due to our workload, but we'll try to bring you everything as far as we are able to do so.

For personal enquiries you may have and wanted to contact us, you can write an email to somebitsoff1@gmail.com and we'll try to answer it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that redundant questions or any type of email which is not relevant and won't help neither us nor you will not be answered.

Personal messages


Personal account: @KirkyDev

Hello readers, I'm Miguel, one of the co-managers of SBOF1 and the creator of this webpage. I really hope the SBOF1 community grows up the same way as I'm expecting it. I am very excited to start this project with my friend and I expect a healthy behaviour from all of you. Neither of us will tolerate toxic people, plus, if we all cope well, it will result in a peaceful community, and that's what we aim to create.

I want to let you know that if you find any bugs or problems with the web SBOF1 please contact me through X (Twitter) (link is as well in the footer of the web) or open an issue in the project repository on GitHub. This will help me notice the problems in the UX and solve them ASAP.

With this said, I just have to welcome everyone once again, and feel free to look at every part of the web, because you'll find a lot of useful information.



Personal account: @888Deyk

Hello, I'm David, one of the managers of SBOF1. I hope that we could make this project a lifestyle. A place where all of you feel like you're being listened to. One place where, with help of all of the different social media platforms all of you could be informed, no matter how much time you have. We strive for a healthy community, and to implement a service made for you, for the fans.
