The end of the web of Some Bits Of Formula 1



It's gonna be a difficult post, I know, but I want to give my reasons of why I've decided to stop updating Some Bits Of Formula 1.

First of all, I want to thank everyone that has entered in any moment to the web and thus supported us, but the web was a huge impediment to SBOF1 and most improtantly, to me. This web has a place in me because I invested uncountable hours developing this web and trying to assure it was OK and user-friendly, I even learnt specifically for the web how to develop Python servers.

The first reason is money. Right now, because of the scheduled shutdown of the old API I was using I decided to create a dedicated server on Python using the only free API I managed to find on the Internet. As a result, It had to be hosted on a server which allowed Python servers, and amongst all the ones, the one I found the most worth using ended up not living up to the expectances I had. This resulted in almost-infinite data-fetching periods and it made some parts of the web to crash.

Above that there's the fact that because the server is brought from Python most of the things are a little messed up when fething them and a lot of things are just hard-coded because I didn't find any other suitable way to organise that data (and trust me when I say I spent hours trying to optimise that).

As a junior programmer my aim now should be to create projects and to learn different aspects of programming and not spending all of my time on a single page, because then I don't do any more projects. This combined with the fact that it is very annoying having to solve a little error every other day ended up with me being fed up.

I want to, once again, thank everyone that used this web. It won't be shutted down as long as the Python server works, but I won't update it in a very long time (maybe I come back and I have the will to tweak something, but it isn't promised).

SBOF1 will remain on our other social networks, links in the main Blog page.

Thanks for reading this post,

Miguel - SBOF1 Co-owner